You want me to eat that?
The past two days have been horrible. I have been so hungry but everytime I eat I just want to spit it out. I crave things then I get them and they are gross.
Right now I hate eating. I know it's not good and I do eat little things here and there but nothing tastes good.
Maybe I should keep taking the morning sickness meds even though I am not throwing up. I don't know.
I just get this hungry feeling and if I don't eat right then, literally right then, then I feel sick and can't eat.
4 more days....until the 2nd trimester. I know it won't disappear on Sunday but still I am getting closer to the more glorious pregnancy days.
Let's face it the first three months pretty much suck. Your either sick, tired, moody, worried about the baby or all of the above. It will be nice just to sit back and enjoy the ride for a while.