Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Help me make money for my family

So here's the deal. I do alot of my shopping online as we only have one car. I stumbled across this site called ebates that allows you to go to their site, type in the store you want to shop at, click on the link and it brings you to that site you want. Ex. children's place, old navy, home depot, even ebay is on there. If you take a few extra seconds to do this you will get credited a certain percentage of your total which will be given back to you in the form of a check quarterly. Right now a Pea in the Pod is offering 2.5% back on your purchase Ann Taylor Loft is offering 3% back Back to basic toys 5% back Old Navy 2% back and the list goes on and on. I just got back my first check for $25. I don't know about you, but I can use every penny I get back. So here's where you come in. If I can get people to join I get cash back. This will help me, save you money and if you pass on the link can earn cash back on with your referral. They are running a great deal now and I can potentially make $5000 which just so happens to be a good chunk of what we need to catch up on our bills. All you have to do is follow this link sign up and remember to use the site when you do your next online purchase. It's that easy. So this is a simple thing you can do to help me out and get cash back for yourself all at the same time. It's free, it's legitimate and it will be helping me out greatly!!! BUT you must follow this link or else I will not get credit for it.



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