I have hit the point where I am nothing but miserable. GREAT! I remember feeling like this with Emma but it was in the last month or so. I still have 10 weeks left how am I this miserable already?
I literally can't sit for long periods of time because the baby has mastered the art of putting extreme pressure on my nether regions all while rubbing against my ribs. One of those stretch you out torture tables sounds mighty fine right about now. ; )
I have pretty much cured the heartburn by taking Zantac twice a day but now leg cramps seem to be waking me every morning. I'm not sure what's worse.
My feet like to swell to about 3 times their normal size and my lower back is spent.
Oh yah and I am still having crazy dreams. 3 nights ago I dreamnt of epidural placement and it went well. 2 nights ago I dreamnt that I was sitting talking with Michelle Duggar when this strange guys showed up miserable with his life and shot himself in the head outside the window. WHAT?! These dreams are weird and kind of morbid.
Anyway I am just overall irritable lately and the heat doesn't help. I think I may need my 3d ultrasound to hurry up and get here to give me a reminder on why all this is going on. I need a piece of good stuff to make these last few months a little more manageable. At least with a picture of her it will make it more real.
As if leg cramps, heartburn and sleepless nights aren't real...but you know what I mean.
Anyway I apologize for being so pissy....just the way I'm feeling lately.