Saturday, May 22, 2010


I had the greatest dream last night.

I dreamnt of the baby. That I had her, that I could hold her. Amazing!

I am sure this is probably just partly my hope kicking in but I will describe the dream in detail.

First of all she is adorable. She had lots of hair like Ethan. Not right off the bat because I deliver bald babies, but she she was probably 6-7 months old. She was a snuggly baby. In my dream she had woken up and I got her and we laid on the bed together. She just cuddled up in the nape of my neck and talked and chewed on her fingers.
She was much more patient then any of my kids. She didn't want to eat the second she woke up she just want to hang out with me for a while and "wake up". I specifically remember saying "She is by far the best baby I've ever had. She is laid back, not at all demanding." She was actually sleeping through the night at this point as well.

When we went to the kitchen to feed her, I put her in her high chair and gave her food and a bottle. I said to her "Here Cara, here's your food." (Now I know this part isn't possibly real, but I just think its cool to dream of your unborn child.) To which she responded "Carewine" I asked her what she said and she repeated "Carewine". I turned to Phil and said "Well I guess she has a preference and wants to be called Caroline not Cara.

She was a little chub of a baby. She had the cheeks Emma had and girl had thighs that would make you want to bite them. lol.

Of course I think she is adorable cause I am her mother. But I did think she was just the cutest little thing ever. I can't wait to see her in person. Not to quickly, but when the time comes.

Thankfully we have so much going on this summer that it is going to just fly by.

I woke to her beating me up this morning. Something dawned on me. How strange is it that she can carry on in her own little world doing her thing while I am sleeping. I'm convinced that's when God does most of His handywork in there. I wake up sometimes and I feel like my belly has grown so much overnight. It's no wonder I am so tired when I wake up in the morning. She is using all my energy to grow and to have a party in my belly. Hopefully I can get her to change her ways while in utero because if not she is going to be an up all night partying baby!


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