Sunday, February 14, 2010

How do you hear?

This is what I got on FB today and it was speaking right to me.

"Prayer is when you talk to God. Meditation is when you become quiet and listen to God. You've learned how to talk and ask well. Time to learn how to listen and hear, because God has been answering you."

I have had a lot of questions and I have asked His ears off. Obviously number one concern right now that this baby be all right. Number 2 is concerning Phil's job and money etc. Still kind of tight and we are definitely loosing our house and it doesn't all make sense at this point. My question is, how do you really hear from God? When He speaks to me it usually comes through things like above. I get a email with a verse that hits home, I happen to pick up a book I've neglected for weeks and had the words speak to me, I've had a preacher on tv speak exactly what I was going through.

How will God speak to these very personal needs?

One thing He's been bringing to my attention for about 2 months now is that "He, is God of the impossible."

First proof of this...I got pregnant in a month that I was not supposed to be able to get pregnant in because Phil was going to be gone. He was still gone, it just so happened my cycle was different that month.

But now how will this phrase translate to the rest of my life?

Why can't I trust that this baby will be ok?

Doubting Thomas?


Hey, I'm only human so I do have my doubts. But I am excited to see what God will do.


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