Thursday, February 18, 2010

8 Weeks today

I stepped on the scale today for the first time in a few weeks. I had lost 4 lbs before I got pregnant which made my starting weight at 138. Then I gained 2 lbs back pretty quickly with all the eating I was doing. I stepped on the scale today and I am back down to 139, which is not unusual for me. I tend to loose weight in the beginning due to sickness.

Last night I fell asleep at 8:30. CRAZY! The only problems I am having with this is that I then wake up super 3:30 am early and have trouble going back to sleep. I finally did fall back to sleep last night but after a long time. Ethan also woke up last night screaming. Actually, he was howling. I thought it was our dog howling to go out and pee but it was Ethan. Phil went and got him and asked him what was wrong and he said he had a nightmare. He said that "we all went to Cabela's and told him it was time to go and he didn't listen so we left him there and he was scared." Poor kid! Though I know that wouldn't be a nightmare for Phil! hahaha!

I have to get my little photographer to take my picture today. A little crazy I know, but I love seeing my belly get bigger. Another sign to me that the baby is growing and of God's hand working in me. I was so bummed that I didn't have that many pics of Ethan's pregnancy. Emma was only 3 then and Phil was gone all the time so it was hard to get anyone to take a pic. Luckily Ethan's a boy and quite honestly, he probably won't be that interested in it anyway.

BTW did you see my little ticker? My baby is looking awfully cute..and awfully human like : ) Can't wait to get an ultrasound. They do 4D ultrasound here and I know they do it at 5 months along but I am not sure if they do 4D this early. I hope so. It will be neat to get a real good sneak peak inside the womb.

Phil's talking about going with me on Monday. I called and asked if an ultrasound would be preformed at that time and they said "no it's just an interview." But I don't know if that's true because they asked me specifically which doctor I would like to see. I have never had an interview with a doctor. I spoke to two different girls when I called so we'll see whose right. It's just that I have been told that before and gotten there and they say surprise time for a pap! So we'll see what happens.

Pictures will come a little later...right now I am still in pj's!


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