Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Blessings in unusual places

Yesterday my mother in law paid us a visit. We haven't seen her in years because they now live in Florida. They had just attended Phil's cousins wedding and decided to pop in on their way home. While here, she asked if there was anything else I needed for the baby and I thought she was just asking for the heck of it. I told her the only big thing we still needed was a crib because our crib which is 13 yrs old, (it used to be my sister-in-laws crib) was falling apart and had black mold on it.

She surprised me and asked "well is that what you want us to get you for a gift?" Pick out a reasonably priced one online and we'll order it tonight. So that's what I did.

Now we were going to have the baby sleeping in bed with us at night until we could afford to get a crib. I was praying that God provide the money so we could get one. And lo and behold we got a gift we weren't expecting to get.

We also ran out to Walmart this morning and she bought us 4 outfits for her and some other little items that we needed. All those 'little' things that add up to a whole lot.

Praise God for answered prayers! And for prayers answered in ways I did not expect at all.

We officially have every big item that we needed without ever having a baby shower. She has a ton of clothing for the first 3 months of her life, and thanks to some friends coupon clipping I have 2-3 months worth of diapers all stocked up and awaiting her arrival. Now I am just praying for some money to come through to get up at least a month or two worth of formula before she arrives. 5 weeks left at the most...lets see what God can do.

Thank you Lord for caring about something as little as baby nail clippers, and booger suckers. I appreciate all of it.


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