Friday, February 19, 2010

OK baby you've made you health could you ease up?

Be careful what you wish for you just might get it.

That's where I am today.

First of all I am really bummed out big time. I was supposed to fly to my sister's shower today and there is no way that's going to happen. The lovely cold has turned to bronchitis and the morning sickness has stepped up its' game. It seems I am coughing my lung up at times, and sometimes I cough so hard I throw up. GREAT! Not to mention the throwing up from morning sickness. It's making for a lovely few days. I feel so bad though. I am one of the people who is supposed to be throwing this shower and I have made monetary contributions but I still I am not there to help with the leg work. It sucks! It really sucks. I feel bad for my sister that is having the shower and the other one that's throwing it. It's not fair to them but honestly there is not much I can do at this point. It's just my luck though to get sick the week I am supposed to leave. Seriously?

Secondly, I really remember why this is my last baby. I am getting to old to be doing this. I am already fed up with the sickness and I've only had it for 2 weeks. I know it means good things and I try to remind myself of that "Thank you God cause I know the baby is healthy." but at the same time it's the most awful thing to do. Luckily I am quickly approaching 3 months and am hoping that all of this will subside soon.

The baby has proved it's health now if he or she would back off a bit I would greatly appreciate it! Still be healthy baby...just ease up a bit on your old mom.

Now I have to go try to eat something. I just want to crawl into bed and sleep the day away but it's impossible with my 2 yr old. Emma went back to school so that is good and bad. Hopefully I can sneak in a nap at Ethan's nap time.


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