Friday, February 26, 2010

9 weeks

Here is the 9 week picture. I am late because my photographer was in school yesterday and I was way to tired to do anything last night. I am not sure why these pics are so dark. I have all the lights on and the flash goes off....must be on some weird setting. I don't know how to use this's Phil's he knows all the tricks. I will have to ask him later.

Anyway I am still very tired. I hate this part. I felt this tired with Emma but don't remember being this tired with Ethan. I am sure I was I just don't remember.

I have been taking this great supplement this past week called Morning Sickness Magic. It has vitamin B6, folic acid and ginger in it to help ease nausea. So far it's been working for me and I am really happy about that. My doctor said one of the best things for nausea is vitamin B so this is really a great find.

Something kind of weird happened yesterday. Emma has been saying for months that she has been praying to Jesus to have twins. She had been doing this because I said this baby (whenever I got pregnant) would be the last baby and she desperately wants a sister. So her solution was to pray for twins....a brother and sister.

Now I haven't really mentioned that to anyone because it was cute but to be honest most people act like you are crazy if you say something like that so I've kept it to myself. Then my mother texts me yesterday and said for the past two nights she has had a dream that I had twins....but I hadn't told her anything so where did that come from? It just made me stop and think. I don't doubt that God can do such things, after all my husband IS a twin but it's still really strange.

Another weird thing is when I was pregnant with the babies I lost Emma asked the first time if the baby would die. This was before I even knew I was miscarrying. Of course I answered no and then a few weeks later I lost it. My 2nd baby I lost, she asked the same thing. Is this baby sick like the other one? Again I said no. Funny thing is, she never asked me this while I was pregnant with Ethan. And for my first baby that I lost miscarriage wasn't a topic of discussion. I was actually very naive and didn't even think it could happen to me, afterall I was only 25 yrs old.

So I am not saying Emma has some weird spooky powers or that all of this means anything at all. I am just saying that it's all something that makes me stop and think. And something I wanted to note in case it is true. I guess we will know for sure Tuesday. But if they do say it's twins, I'm gonna have her start praying for a new house and a raise......hahaha!


At March 1, 2010 at 4:28 AM , Blogger KIM said...

Can't wait to hear about your ultrasound - when I was pregnant with the twins and didn't know it was twins.. I had a few friends say they they had a feeling there were two in me - and now look... you just never know!!! :o)


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