Thursday, March 4, 2010

Blah, blah, blah.

I feel like somewhat of a looser lately. This exhaustion is overtaking every minute of my life. I hate it. I can't do anything. I am behind on everything. I would love to just be able to lay on the couch all day every day and not do one darn thing. But this is not reality. I have two other kids to take care of.

I am really hoping I am feeling better by the end of the month because this is getting old.

Hmm.....good this be hormones.....wasn't I just thrilled a few days ago? Maybe I need another ultrasound. hahaha

Did i mention that is all I did that day? I got up got my daughter off to school, went to the doctors...didn't even drive myself there Phil did, got the ultrasound, got dropped off at home and ate and went to sleep. UGH!!!

I feel like people don't understand how tiring it is. Trust me I annoy myself with all of this sleeping I can only imagine how frustrating it is to live with me at the moment.

Oh yah and I'm like Jekyl and Hyde. Last night I was balling for no reason. Oh joy. How many more months of this?


At March 8, 2010 at 10:08 PM , Blogger The Cisneros Family said...

If this makes you feel any better, or if you need an excuse to tell people about why you're so tired, just remember that growing a baby exerts as much energy as a mountain climber. Makes sense now huh? Enjoy your rest.


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