Thursday, January 28, 2010

It's official

I decided to start a new blog just to track this pregnancy. I can't keep my mouth shut long enough and I have so many things I want to blog about but can't on my regular one.

This is for all my friends that I have told and that are pulling and praying for me. Those who can keep a secret, and not blab to the world that I am having a baby. This happened to me last time I was pregnant and I was NOT happy. People who shouldn't have spread the news did and they will be the last to find out this time. Another reason I want to keep this a secret for a while.

As many of you know I have 2 children and have lost 2 children. Pregnancies 1 and 3 resulted in the children I have with me and 2 and 4 went on to heaven before I even had a chance to meet them.

So here I am pregnant with #5 eek, #5 that's crazy. I am so hoping that this baby will make it and be healthy. You can check in here to see pics and get updates, as it may be a while before I let the cat out of the bag.

Today I have 5 weeks along. Woo Hoo!

I am feeling very tired, my chest is hurting, I am starving all the time and I am gassy (sorry if it's TMI). I just want to record all this stuff for my own information looking back. I think I started getting morning sickness around week 6 with my daughter. I am not positive though. I don't have her pregnancy book with me here it's still at our old house and will probably stay there until the spring.

So far I feel very similar to how I felt when I was pregnant with my daughter. I am getting major girl vibes this time. Not sure why, it just feels the same as it did with Emma so maybe that's why I am thinking that way.

Anyone want to put in any guesses yet?


At January 28, 2010 at 8:54 AM , Blogger The Cisneros Family said...

Hehe, I think Ill wait on guessing, for now. Congrats again!!!

At January 28, 2010 at 11:15 AM , Blogger Michelle said...

YAY!!!! SOO hsppy, Andi! LOVE babies and pregnancy in general! Even though, I'm done, love living through everyone else's experience! It was fun going through Tiffani's and Kim's and now it will be yours!

Vibes...hmm..well, I can tell you my SIL is due in the end of June and they are having a girl. Seems like it either seems to be a boy or girl year. With the exception of Kim, everyone I know is having a girl in 2010.

Also, I agree with different symptoms. I had 3 boys , one girl. My symptoms with the boy's were all the same and with my daughter, totally different! Are you hoping for a girl? When you get the heart rate, let me know. 140's and below, boy. Upper 140's and up, girl. My Sil just had her's it was 159..few minutes later they did the ultrasound and ..girl!!! It worked with my kids too. Keep in mind though, that the earlier you are, the faster it is. Their heart rates generally slow down over time and are where they will stay by 16 weeks. It' pretty accurate way to tell sex by 16 weeks. No earlier though. Keep me posted! I'll give my guess when you have a heart rate!

I will pray that God blesses this pregnancy..I know how hard miscarriages are. Good luck to you!


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